Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Astrology Basics


A Day = 24 hours
An Hour = 60 minutes
A Minute = 60 seconds
1 Day = 86,400 seconds


A day = 60 ghatikas 
A Ghatikas = 60 vighatikas
A Vighati = 60 liptas
A Lipta = 60 viliptas
A Vilipta = 60 paras
A Para = 60 tatparas
1 Day = 46,656,000,000 tatparas

Time is eternal. It cannot be measured. But, a change may happen in a thing, as mud becoming a pot by the labour of a potter. This new form may be said to have started a certain particular time and its destruction by being broken etc. also may be indicated by a certain time. This duration or interim period when it existed as a pot, is the limitation of time for the thing. 

Astrology may be divided into six divisions: 
  1. Vegetable Horoscopy - This indicates the seasons and mostly relates to crops and weather conditions.
  2. Animal Horoscopy - This indicates animals, their increase, decrease etc. 
  3. Human Horoscopy - This speaks of human beings.
  4. Mundane Horoscopy - This refers to countries and places.
  5. Horary Horoscopy - This type of horoscopy deals with knowing future through prasna or questioning time.
  6. Electional Horoscopy or Muhurt - This speaks of methods of selection of auspicious time for performance of important functions in life. 
As can be seen Moon takes 27 days to pass through the entire Zodiac. Sun takes about a month to pass through each Rasi. But the next month will not commence unless the New Moon has taken place and this will mean roughly another two days and a quarter making a total of 29-1/4 days. The difference in the Lunar and Solar months would become too great. Therefore, in Lunar System once in about three years, a year gets thirteen months to bring it into conformity with the Solar years.
The year is divided into 12 months. 
The Lunar months are:-
  1. Chaitra
  2. Vaisakha
  3. Jyestha
  4. Ashada
  5. Sravana
  6. Bhadrapada
  7. Aswina
  8. Karthika
  9. Margashira
  10. Pushya
  11. Magham
  12. Phalguna
When Moon finishes a round and Amavasya or New Moon occurs, a month ends and the next begins from the first day after the New Moon.

The months got their names from the fact that on the Full Moon day, during the month of Chaitra Nakshatra will be Chittra. 
  1. Vaisakha - Visakha
  2. Jyestha - Jyestha
  3. Ashada - Purvashada
  4. Sravana - Sravana
  5. Bhadrapada -Bhadrapada
  6. Aswina - Aswini
  7. Karthika - Kruttika
  8. Margashira - Mrigasira
  9. Pushyam - Pushyami
  10. Magha - Makha
  11. Phalguna - Uttara Phalguni
The Solar year has also twelve months called - 
  1. Chittrai 
  2. Adi
  3. Alpisi
  4. Thai
  5. Vykasi
  6. Avani
  7. Karthikai
  8. Masi
  9. Ani
  10. Perattasi
  11. Margali
  12. Panguni
These months are calculated according to the entry of Sun into each Rasi from Mesha. 

Each year is said to produce certain effects independently on its own and that refers not to individual  but has a distinct bearing on mundane horoscopy with particular reference to general masses. 

Name of Planet              Takes to move in a sign or Rasi
Sun - Surya                           about one month
Moon - Chandra                     about 2 1/4 days
Mars - Mangal or Kuja            about 45 days
Mercury - Budha                    about a month
Jupiter - Guru                        about a year
Venus - Sukra                        about a month
Saturn - Sani                         about 2 1/2 years (Two and Half Year)
Dragon's Head - Rahu/
Ascending Node                     about 1 1/2 years (One and Half Year)
Dragon's Tail - Kethu
Descending Node                   about 1 1/2 year (One and Half Year)
Sun and Moon never have a retrograde motion but have an accelerated or retarded motion. 
Rahu and Kethu have always a retrograde motion. 
All other planets have direct, retrograde, accelerated or retarded motion.
This extract has been taken from "Indian Astrology" written by great astrologer Sh. C.J. Krishnasamy.

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