Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Cancellation of Debilitation of a Planet

Due to the motion of the planets in the Zodiac, they pass through certain degrees of constellations and Rashis (Signs), they acquire or loose strength or power. In Western Astrology, the word Debilitated is used for a planet which is at fall due to its presence in a specific Zodiac Sign. But in Vedic Astrology Debilitated means when Planet is placed in a sign where it's not comfortable may be in an enemy house. Therefore, debilitation denotes planet's weakness or infirmity whereas Neecha means negative or malefic qualities of the planet in question to the native.
  • The debilitation of a Planet stands cancelled if the lord of the sign the planet in question occupies is in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Chandra-lagna.
  • The debilitation of a Planet also stands cancelled if the lord of the sign of exaltation of the said planet is in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Chandra-lagna
  • The debilitation of a Planet stands cancelled also if its dispositor fully aspects the Planet in question. The debilitation of a Planet is cancelled if the lords of the signs of debilitation and exaltation of the Planet in question conjoins or oppose each other or if they are at a distance of 4 houses or 10 houses from each other.
  • The debilitation of a Planet stands cancelled also if the Planet in Question is Retrograde, i.e., it is moving in the reverse direction.
  • If a planet is in his sign or debilitation, and is aspected by the lord of that sign, the debilitation gets cancelled. 
Notes :- 
The Mars is said to be the dispositor of the Saturn if the Saturn happens to occupy the sign and the house owned by the Mars. 
There is some difference of opinion about the interpretation of the word Ucchanatha. Suppose Saturn is in the Aries in debilitation who will be Ucchanatha or Saturn? According to one view Saturn is exalted in Libra. Therefore lord of Libra, namely, Venus is the Ucchanatha. Another view is that Saturn being in Aries and the Sun is exalted in Aries. Therefore, the Sun is the Ucchanatha. In our view the second view is more appropriate. 
Thus, there are five kinds of Neechbhanga Raj Yogas as described below:-
a) The lord of depression sign or the planet that is exalted in that sign, is in a Kendra position from the Lagna or the Moon. 
b)The lord of the sign of debilitation and the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitation planet are mutually in Kendra positions. 
c) The planet in the sign of debilitation is aspected by the lord of that sign.
d) The lord of the sign of debilitation or the lord of the exaltation sign of the planet in debilitation, is in Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon. 
e) The planet in his sign of debilitation is in Kendra with reference to the Lagna or the Moon. 

Study by Yashraj Sharma @ aaskplanets.com
In Kalyuga, most of us are not so pure. So energies syncs easily and debilitated planets helps people to go through lowest level of Karma or Materialistic work to achieve something but exalted helps to go through highest level to achieve something. These debilitated planets makes one very cunning and they are more selfish to gain and achieve something. 
Also, Debilitated planets are more materialistic than exalted ones. Debilitated planet does very well in 6th house, if it's alone there, and lagna is strong. This is because, person will have to face low level of enemies, competitions and small diseases. And if lagna is weak than it can be dangerous.  

Study by Yogita (Astrologer) Shimla, India

Consideration to Judge whether Debilitated Planet is weak or not:-
  • The Planet can said to be weak when it is mrit or very old. One should see the degree. Planets become neech at specific degree.
  • A retrograde planet has a very strong impact on the native. So certainly, a debilitated planet is not weak when it comes in retrogression. It cancel the neechta as well. 
  • Debilitated Planet is not weak if has any benefic aspect or it is aspected directly by the lord of the sign it is place in.
  • If the planet is improving in the navamsa chart. 
Debilitated planets can give fruitful results as well in my experience in the following cases:-
  • When present in a prominent nakshatra. 
  • If the lord of the sign is well placed in natal chart and navamsa. The debilitated planets improves with time if it is exalted in Navamsa Chart or in Kendra with moon in Navamsa Chart.
Study by Adit Venkat, Vedic Astrologer and Researcher
  • Debilitated planets are weak but it still produces results. The result given by a debilitated planet may not be satisfactory or worthy. Debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn gives lot of wealth and status usually but the person may lack inner contentment, joy and happiness which is signified by Jupiter.
  • Most planets are debilitated in signs of planets which they are not comfortable with except for Venus which is debilitated in a sign of its friend.
  • Mars is debilitated in Cancer which is ruled by Moon. Moon is an emotional planet and Mars rules aggression and courage. Both these do not get together. 
  • Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn which is sign of Materialism. Jupiter is inner joy and happiness (Cancer) which does not come from external things (Saturn).
  • Sun is debilitated in Libra. Sun is a singular planer and always likes to be alone. Libra is a sign of sharing and compromise. Here sun is forced to oblige and come down. 
  • Venus is debilitated in Virgo because Virgo is breaking apart of agreements (12th to Libra). Venus likes to keep promises and contracts as that is what it rules over (Libra stands for agreements, contacts, promises). Venus debilitated can still be helped by Mercury. 
  • Mercury is debilitated in Pisces because Mercury relies on facts and data, things which can be verified by the 5 senses. Pisces is the imagination and mercury does not take anything which is not tangible. Mercury rules Virgo which is outright tangible things of the earth. 
  • Saturn is debilitated in Aries because Saturn likes to do things patiently while Aries rushes through things. Saturn likes to follow while Aries like to take charge and lead. 
  • So Debilitated planets are not bad. They are just opposed to their natural functions and find it difficult to easily manifest the significance of those signs. 

1 comment:

  1. If the planet debilitated in D-1, becomes exalted in D-9, then also debilitation gets cancelled.
